
FRP Vertical storage tanks

FRP storage tanks With perfect characteristic of designability,shape perfor mance and easy to maintenance. Compare with steel, FRP (fiberglass reinforced plastic) has a very high corrosion resistance
FRP Vessel
FRP Vertical storage tanks
FRP Vertical storage tanks

Product Introduction

FRP storage tanks With perfect characteristic of designability,shape perfor mance and easy to maintenance. Compare with steel, FRP (fiberglass reinforced plastic) has a very high corrosion resistance,and has a specific gravity of 1.5 to 1.9, far lower than 7.8 of steel, but it's mechanical strength is higher than steel's, and it also has the advantage of low coefficient of thermal expansion and preface thermal insulation, FRP vessels are widely used in many fields.

According to shape of storage tanks, can be divided into three categories of horizontal cylinder tanks, vertical cylinder tanks,rectangle tanks; there are others PVC/FRP, PP/FRP, PVDF/FRP storage tanks and other composite FRP storage tanks.

Application: Chemical vessel; Acid tank; Alkali tank; Brink Tank; Sewage tank; Insulation tank; Jacket tank; Agitating tank; Fermentation tank; Water seal tank; lon exchanger; Separator; Food grade FRP tank; FRP/PVC tank; FRP/PP tank.


FRP storage tanks

Technical Parameter

FRP storage tanks

FRP storage tanks

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Tel: +86-318-5165113
Fax: +86-318-8610260
Phone: +86-15028776825
Sales01: jzgrp@hotmail.com
Sales02: panosyuan@vip.sina.com
Address: Taoyuan Street, Jizhou District, Hengshui City, Hebei, P.R.China

COPYRIGHT © 2022 Hebei Zhongtuo FRP Co., Ltd.